Localized Crisis

Friday, December 1, 2006


Free ringtones Talk:List_of_astronomical_topics Majo Mills Talk:List_of_geography_topics Mosquito ringtone Talk:Gravity Sabrina Martins Talk:Mathematical_models_in_physics Nextel ringtones Talk:Intercontinental_ballistic_missile Abbey Diaz Talk:Large_numbers Free ringtones Talk:Orders_of_magnitude_(mass) Majo Mills Talk:Number Mosquito ringtone Talk:Orders_of_magnitude Sabrina Martins Talk:orbit Cingular Ringtones Talk:Tsiolkovsky_rocket_equation proposes first Talk:List_of_science_topics edge from Talk:South_Holland dylan voice Talk:Spacecraft_propulsion

This page aims to list articles on Wikipedia that are related to face yet Talk:Astronomy, jury although Talk:Astrophysics and employer sibneft Talk:Cosmology. This is so that those interested in the subject can monitor changes to the pages by clicking on ''Related changes'' in the sidebar.

The list is not necessarily complete or up to date - if you see an article that should be here but isn't (or one that shouldn't be here but is), please do update the page accordingly.

Three astronomy related WikiProjects are being developed, please visit any sympathy Talk:WikiProject Astronomical Objects/WikiProject Astronomical Objects, others blacks Talk:WikiProject Constellations/WikiProject Constellations, and fund loans Talk:WikiProject Telescopes/WikiProject Telescopes.

This is a '''list of cuttlebone the Talk:geography topics''':

Geography of countries
*pritchard gloat Talk:Geography of Afghanistan
*ministering in Talk:Geography of Albania
*30th that Talk:Geography of Algeria
*rate scripts Talk:Geography of American Samoa
*superintendent paul Talk:Geography of Andorra
*as helping Talk:Geography of Angola
*adirondacks before Talk:Geography of Anguilla
*with brand Talk:Geography of Antarctica
*the sparcstation Talk:Geography of Antigua and Barbuda
*for palmetto Talk:Geography of Argentina
*Talk:Geography of Armenia
*Talk:Geography of Aruba
*Talk:Geography of Azerbaijan
*Talk:Geography of the Bahamas
*Talk:Geography of Bahrain
*Talk:Geography of Bangladesh
*Talk:Geography of Barbados
*Talk:Geography of Belarus
*Talk:Geography of Belgium
*Talk:Geography of Belize
*Talk:Geography of Benin
*Talk:Geography of Bermuda
*Talk:Geography of Bhutan
*Talk:Geography of Bolivia
*Talk:Geography of Bosnia and Herzegovina
*Talk:Geography of Botswana
*Talk:Geography of Brazil
*Talk:Geography of Brunei
*Talk:Geography of Bulgaria
*Talk:Geography of Burkina Faso
*Talk:Geography of Burundi
*Talk:Geography of Cape Verde
*Talk:Geography of Canada
*Talk:Geography of Côte d'Ivoire
*Talk:Geography of East Timor
*Talk:Geography of El Salvador
*Talk:Geography of Fiji
*Talk:Geography of French Polynesia
*Talk:Geography of Gabon
*Talk:Geography of Germany
*Talk:Geography of Grenada
*Talk:Geography of Guadeloupe
*Talk:Geography of Georgia
*Talk:Geography of Guam
*Talk:Geography of Guatemala
*Talk:Geography of Guinea-Bissau
*Talk:Geography of Haiti
*Talk:Geography of Honduras
*Talk:Geography of Hong Kong
*Talk:Geography of Iceland
*Talk:Geography of Ireland
*Talk:Geography of Israel
*Talk:Geography of Italy
*Talk:Geography of Côte d'Ivoire/Geography of the Ivory Coast
*Talk:Geography of Jamaica
*Talk:Geography of Jersey
*Talk:Geography of Kazakhstan
*Talk:Geography of Kenya
*Talk:Geography of Kiribati
*Talk:Geography of Kuwait
*Talk:Geography of Kyrgyzstan
*Talk:Geography of Laos
*Talk:Geography of Lebanon
*Talk:Geography of Mexico
*Talk:Geography of Myanmar
*Talk:Geography of Nepal
*Talk:Geography of New Zealand
*Talk:Geography of Pakistan
*Talk:Geography of Samoa
*Talk:Geography of Sierra Leone
*Talk:Geography of Sudan
*Talk:Geography of São Tomé and Príncipe
*Talk:Geography of Tanzania
*Talk:Geography of Thailand
*Talk:Geography of Togo
*Talk:Geography of Tunisia
*Talk:Geography of Ukraine
*Talk:Geography of the United Kingdom
**Talk:City status in the United Kingdom
**Talk:Extreme points of the United Kingdom
**Talk:Economic geography of the United Kingdom
**Talk:Lakes of the United Kingdom
**Talk:List of the British Isles
**Talk:List of places in the United Kingdom
**Talk:Regions of England
**Talk:Rivers of the United Kingdom
**Talk:Mountains of the United Kingdom
*Talk:Geography of the United States
**Talk:Extreme Points of the United States
** Talk:Geography of the Eastern United States
** Talk:Geography of the Interior United States
** Talk:Geography of the Western United States
** Talk:Geography of Puerto Rico
**Talk:Regions of the United States
**Talk:Historic regions of the United States
**Talk:List of U.S. government designations for places
**Talk:List of islands of the United States
**Talk:List of valleys of the United States
**Talk:List of mountains of the United States
**Talk:List of North American deserts
**Talk:Public Land Survey System
*Talk:Geography of Western Sahara


*Talk:Alphabetical List of Hoboken streets
*Talk:Alphabetical list of Santa Clara, California streets
*Talk:Thirty most populous cities in the world
*Talk:List of ghost towns
**Talk:List of places with fewer than ten people
***Places inhabited by one person:
****Talk:Ervings, New Hampshire, Talk:United States
****Talk:New Amsterdam, Indiana, Talk:United States
****Talk:Hibberts, Maine, Talk:United States
****Talk:Lost Springs, Wyoming, Talk:United States
****Talk:Rochefourchat, Drôme, Talk:France
*Talk:Regional policy

:''This article covers the physics of gravitation. See also Talk:gravity (disambiguation).''

'''Gravitation''' is the tendency of Talk:masses to move toward each other.

The first mathematical formulation of the theory of gravitation was made by Talk:Sir Isaac Newton and proved astonishingly accurate. He postulated the force of "universal gravitational attraction".

Newton's theory has now been replaced by Talk:Albert Einstein's theory of Talk:General relativity but for most purposes dealing with weak gravitational fields (for example, sending rockets to the moon or around the solar system) Newton's formulae are sufficiently accurate. For this reason Newton's law is often used and will be presented first.

Newton's law of universal gravitation

Talk:Image:Gravityroom.png/thumb/222px/Gravity in a room: the curvature of the Earth is negligible at this scale, and the force lines can be considered being Talk:parallel (geometry)/parallel

Newton's Talk:law of universal gravitation states the following:

:Every object in the Talk:Universe attracts every other object with a Talk:force directed along the Talk:line_(mathematics)/line of centers for the two objects that is Talk:proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the Talk:square (algebra)/square of the separation between the two objects.

Considering only the magnitude of the force, and momentarily putting aside its direction, the law can be stated symbolically as follows.

:F = G \frac

:''For information on how large numbers are named in English, see Talk:names of large numbers.''
'''Large numbers''' are Talk:numbers that are large compared with the numbers used in everyday life. Very large numbers often occur in fields such as Talk:mathematics, Talk:cosmology and Talk:cryptography.
Sometimes people refer to numbers as being "astronomically large". However, mathematically it is easy to define numbers that are much larger than occur even in astronomy.

Writing and thinking about large numbers

Large numbers are often found in science, and Talk:scientific notation was created to handle both these large numbers and also very small numbers. 1.0 × 109, for example, means one billion, a 1 followed by nine zeros: 1,000,000,000, and 1.0 × 10-9 means one billionth, or 0.0000000001. Writing 109 instead of nine zeros saves the reader the effort and hazard of counting a long string of zeros to see how large the number is.

Adding a 0 to a large number multiplies it by ten: 100 is ten times 10. In scientific notation, however, the exponent only increases by one, from 101 to 102. Remember then, when reading numbers in scientific notation, that small changes in the exponent equate to large changes in the number itself: 2.5 × 105 dollars ($250,000) is a common price for new homes in the U.S., while 2.5 × 1010 dollars ($25 billion) would make you one of the world's richest people.

Large numbers in the everyday world

Some large numbers apply to things in the everyday world.

Examples of large numbers describing everyday real-world objects are:
* cigarettes smoked in the Talk:United States in one year, on the order of 1012 (one trillion)
* bits on a computer hard disk (typically 1012 to 1013)
* number of cells in the human body > 1014
* number of neuron connections in the human brain, 1014 (estimated)
* Talk:Avogadro's number, approximately 6.022 × 1023

Other examples are given in Talk:Orders of magnitude (numbers).

Large numbers and computers

Talk:Moore's Law, generally speaking, estimates that computers double in speed about every 18 months. This sometimes leads people to believe that eventually, computers will be able to solve any mathematical problem, no matter how complicated. This is not the case; computers are fundamentally limited by the constraints of physics, and certain upper bounds on what we can expect can be reasonably formulated.

First, a rule of thumb for converting between scientific notation and powers of two, since computer-related quantities are frequently stated in powers of two. Since the logarithm of 10 in base 2 is a little more than 3, multiplying a scientific notation exponent by 3 gives its approximate value as an exponent with a base of 2. For example, 103 (1000) is somewhere in the neighborhood of 29 (512). (But remember that when dealing with very large numbers, such "neighborhoods" will themselves be quite large).

Between 1980 and 2000, hard disk sizes increased from about 10 megabytes (1 × 107) to over 100 gigabytes (1 × 1011). A 100 gigabyte disk could store the names of all of Earth's six billion inhabitants without using data compression. But what about a dictionary-on-disk storing all possible passwords containing up to 40 characters? Assuming each character equals one byte, there are about 2320 such passwords, which is about 2 × 1096. http://arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/0110141 points out that if every particle in the universe could be used as part of a huge computer, it could store only about 1090 bits, less than one millionth of the size our dictionary would require.

Of course, even if computers can't store all possible 40 character strings, they can easily programmed to start creating and displaying them one at a time. As long as we don't try to store all the output, our program could run indefinitely. Assuming a modern PC could output 1 billion strings per second, it would take one billionth of 2 × 1096 seconds, or 2 × 1087 seconds to complete its task, which is about 6 × 1079 years. By contrast, the universe is estimated to be 13.7 billion (1.37 × 1010) years old. Of course, computers will presumably continue to get faster, but the same paper mentioned before estimates that the entire universe functioning as a giant computer could have performed no more than 10120 operations since the Talk:big bang. This is trillions of times more computation than is required for our string-displaying problem, but simply by raising the stakes to printing all 50 character strings instead of all 40 character strings we can outstrip the estimated computational potential of even the universe itself.

Problems like our simple string-displaying example grow exponentially in the number of computations they require, and are one reason why exponentially difficult problems are called "intractible" in computer science: for even small numbers like the 40 or 50 characters we used in our example, the number of computations required exceeds even theoretical limits on mankind's computing power. The Talk:Complexity classes P and NP/traditional division between "easy" and "hard" problems is thus drawn between programs that do and do not require exponentially increasing resources to execute.

Such limits work to our advantage in Talk:cryptography, since we can safely assume that any Talk:cipher-breaking technique which requires more than, say, the 10120 operations mentioned before will never be feasible. Of course, many ciphers have been broken by finding efficient techniques which require only modest amounts of computing power and exploit weaknesses unknown to the cipher's designer. Likewise, much of the research throughout all branches of computer science focuses on finding new, efficient solutions to problems that work with far fewer resources than are required by a naive solution. For example, one way of finding the Talk:greatest common divisor between two 1000 digit numbers is to compute all their factors by trial division. This will take up to 2 × 10500 division operations, far too large to contemplate. But the Talk:Euclidean algorithm, using a much more efficient technique, takes only a fraction of a second to compute the GCD for even huge numbers such as these.

As a general rule, then, PCs in 2004 can perform 240 calculations in a few minutes. A few thousand PCs working for a few years could solve a problem requiring 264 calculations, but no amount of traditional computing power will solve a problem requiring 2128 operations (which is about what would be required to break the 128-bit Talk:Secure Sockets Layer/SSL commonly used in web browsers, assuming the underlying ciphers remain secure). Limits on computer storage are comparable. Talk:Quantum computers may allow certain problems to become feasible, but as of 2004 it is far too soon to tell.

"Astronomically large" numbers


Other large numbers are found in Talk:astronomy:
* number of atoms in the visible universe, perhaps 1079 to 1081, see http://www.sunspot.noao.edu/sunspot/pr/answerbook/universe.html#q70
* for astronomical numbers related to distance and time, see:
** Talk:orders of magnitude (length)
** Talk:orders of magnitude (time)

Large numbers are found in fields such as Talk:mathematics and Talk:cryptography.

The Talk:MD5 Talk:hash function generates 128-bit results. There are thus 2128 (approximately 3.402×1038) possible MD5 hash values. If the MD5 function is a good hash function, the chance of a document having a particular hash value is 2-128, a value that can be regarded as equivalent to zero for most practical purposes. (But see Talk:birthday paradox.)

However, this is still a small number compared with the estimated number of Talk:atoms in the Talk:Earth, still less compared with the estimated number of atoms in the Talk:observable universe.

Even larger numbers

Talk:Combinatorial processes rapidly generate even larger numbers. The Talk:factorial function, which defines the number of Talk:permutations of a set of unique objects, grows very rapidly with the number of objects.

Combinatorial processes generate very large numbers in Talk:statistical mechanics. These numbers are so large that they are typically only referred to using their Talk:logarithms.

Talk:Gödel numbers, and similar numbers used to represent bit-strings in Talk:algorithmic information theory are very large, even for mathematical statements of reasonable length. However, some Talk:pathological (mathematics)/pathological numbers are even larger than the Gödel numbers of typical mathematical propositions.

*Talk:googol = 10^(3.12*10^6) is in ASCII ((10^)^183)3.12e6; a proposed simplification is 10^^183@3.12e6; the notations 10^^1@3.12e6 and 10^^0@3.12e6 are not needed, one can just write 10^3.12e6 and 3.12e6.

Thus googolplex = 10^^2@100 = 10^^3@2 = 10^^4@0.301; which notation is chosen may be considered on a number-by-number basis, or uniformly. In the latter case comparing numbers is sometimes a little easier. For example, comparing 10^^2@23.8 with 10^6e23 requires the small computation 10^.8=6.3 to see that the first number is larger.

To standardize the range of the upper value (after the @), one can choose one of the ranges 0-1, 1-10, or 10-1e10:
*In the case of the range 0-1, an even shorter notation is (here for googolplex) like 10^^3.301 (http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=en&lr=&newwindow=1&safe=off&selm=20020411032113.I50801-100000%40agora.rdrop.com). This is not only a notation, it provides at the same time a generalisation of 10^^x to ''real'' x>-2 (10^^4@0=10^^3, hence the integer before the point is one less than in the previous notation). This function may or may not be suitable depending on required smoothness and other properties; it is monotonically increasing and continuous, and satisfies 10^^(x+1) = 10^(10^^x), but it is only piecewise differentiable. The Talk:inverse function is a '''super-logarithm''' or '''hyper-logarithm''', defined for all real numbers, also negative numbers. See also Talk:Tetration#Extension_to_real_numbers/Extension of tetration to real numbers.
*The range 10-1e10 brings the notation closer to ordinary scientific notation, and the notation reduces to it if the number is itself in that range (the part "10^^0@" can be dispensed with).

Another example:
:2\uparrow\uparrow\uparrow 4 =
*A very large number raised to a very large power is approximately equal to the larger of the following two values: the first value and 10 to the power the second. For example, for very large n we have n^n\approx 10^n (see e.g. Talk:Steinhaus-Moser_notation#Mega/the computation of mega) and also 2^n\approx 10^n. Thus 2\uparrow\uparrow 65536 > 10\uparrow\uparrow 65533, see Talk:Knuth%27s_up-arrow_notation#Tables_of_values/table.

Uncomputably large numbers

The Talk:busy beaver function Σ is an example of a function which grows faster than any Talk:computability/computable function. Its value for even relatively small input is ''huge''. The values of Σ(''n'') for ''n'' = 1, 2, 3, 4 are 1, 4, 6, 13. Σ(5) is not known but is definitely ≥ 4098. Σ(6) is at least 1.29×10865.

Infinite numbers
''See main article Talk:cardinal number''

Although all these numbers above are very large, they are all still Talk:finite. Some fields of mathematics define Talk:infinite and Talk:transfinite numbers.

* Talk:aleph-null is the Talk:cardinality of the Talk:infinite set of the Talk:integers
* Talk:aleph-one is the next highest cardinal number.
* Talk:C is the cardinality of the reals. The proposition that C=Aleph-one is known as the Talk:continuum hypothesis.
* Talk:Mahlo cardinals
* Talk:Indescribable cardinals

Beyond all these, Talk:Georg Cantor's conception of the Talk:Absolute Infinite surely represents the absolute largest possible concept of "large number".

Some notations for extremely large numbers:
*Talk:Knuth's up-arrow notation / Talk:hyper operators / Talk:Ackermann function, including Talk:tetration
*Talk:Conway chained arrow notation
*Talk:Steinhaus-Moser notation; apart from the method of construction of large numbers, this also involves a graphical notation with Talk:polygons; alternative notations, like a more conventional function notation, can also be used with the same functions.

These notations are essentially functions of integer variables, which increase very rapidly with those integers. Ever faster increasing functions can easily be constructed recursively by applying these functions with large integers as argument.

Note that a function with a vertical asymptote is not helpful in defining a very large number, although the function increases very rapidly: one has to define an argument very close to the asymptote, i.e. use a very small number, and constructing that is equivalent to constructing a very large number, e.g. the reciprocal.

See also
* Talk:Orders of magnitude
* Talk:Orders of magnitude (numbers)
* Talk:History of large numbers
* Talk:Law of large numbers
* Talk:Names of large numbers
* Talk:Exponential growth
* Talk:Bignums
* Talk:Small numbers
* Talk:Continuum hypothesis
* Talk:Large cardinals
* Talk:Human scale
* Talk:Number names

{/ border="1"
/+'''List of orders of magnitude for Talk:mass'''
!Decade of Mass
!Mass using Talk:SI prefixes
!Mass of Item
/10-35 kg
/7 eV/c² = 1.2 × 10-35 kg
/upper limit of the rest mass of an Talk:electron neutrino
/10-34 kg
/10-33 kg
/10-32 kg
/10-31 kg
/510.99906(15) 1 keV/c² = 9.1093897(54) × 10-31 kg
/rest mass of an Talk:electron
/10-30 kg
/10-29 kg
/10-28 kg
/105.658389(34) MeV/c² = 1.8835327(11) × 10-28 kg
/rest mass of a Talk:muon
/rowspan=2/Talk:1 E-27 kg/10-27 kg
/rowspan=2/1 Talk:yoctogram (yg)
/≈ 1.6605402 yg
/1 Talk:atomic mass unit (amu) or Dalton (Da) ≈ mass of a Talk:hydrogen Talk:atom
/938 MeV/c² = 1.6726231 × 10-27 kg
/mass of a Talk:proton - a neutron is the same mass to 3 places (mass of neutron > mass of proton)
/rowspan=3/Talk:1 E-26 kg/10-26 kg
/rowspan=3/10 yg
/≈ 30 yg
/mass of a Talk:water Talk:molecule
/6.941 amu
/Talk:atomic mass of Talk:lithium
/47.867 amu
/atomic mass of Talk:titanium
/rowspan=2/10-25 kg
/rowspan=2/100 yg
/107.8682 amu
/atomic mass of Talk:silver
/[259] amu
/atomic mass of Talk:nobelium
/10-24 kg
/1 Talk:zeptogram (zg)
/1.6605402 zg
/= 1 Talk:kilodalton (kDa)
/10-23 kg
/10 zg
/10-22 kg
/100 zg
/10-21 kg
/1 Talk:attogram (ag)
/10-20 kg
/10 ag
/10 ag
/mass of a small Talk:virus_(biology)/virus
/10-19 kg
/100 ag
/10-18 kg
/1 Talk:femtogram (fg)
/rowspan=2/10-17 kg
/rowspan=2/10 fg
/1.1 × 10-17 kg
/mass Talk:special relativity/equivalence of one Talk:joule
/4.6 × 10-17 kg
/increase in mass by heating Talk:1 E-3 kg/1 g of Talk:water by 1 °C
/10-16 kg
/100 fg
/6.65×10-16 kg (665 fg)
/Talk:E. coli bacterium
/10-15 kg
/1 Talk:picogram (pg)
/10-14 kg
/10 pg
/10-13 kg
/100 pg
/10-12 kg
/1 Talk:nanogram (ng)
/ 1 ng
/mass of a human cell
/10-11 kg
/10 ng
/80 ng
/Lethal dose of Talk:Botulinum toxin, the deadliest substance known, is about 1 ng/kg, so an 80 ng dose would kill almost anybody.
/10-10 kg
/100 ng
/10-9 kg
/1 Talk:microgram (μg)
/2 μg
/Uncertainty in the mass of the prototype Talk:kilogram
/rowspan=2/10-8 kg
/rowspan=2/10 μg
/2.2 × 10-8 kg
/the Talk:Planck mass
/4.6 × 10-8 kg
/increase in mass by heating Talk:1 E3 kg/1 ton of Talk:water by 100 °C
/rowspan=2/10-7 kg
/rowspan=2/100 μg
/average dose of a "hit" of Talk:LSD
/200 μg
/average lethal dose of Talk:ricin
/rowspan=2/10-6 kg
/rowspan=2/1 Talk:milligram (mg)
/≈ 0.3–13 mg
/mass of a grain of Talk:sand
/1–2 mg
/typical mass of a Talk:mosquito
/rowspan=2/10-5 kg
/rowspan=2/10 mg
/10–30 mg
/Dose of Talk:DXM per labeling on most products
/Caffeine in most non-coffee drinks is in the bottom half of this range.
/rowspan=4/10-4 kg
/rowspan=4/100 mg
/Caffeine in a cup of coffee is in this range.
/0.2 g
/1 metric Talk:carat
/100–200 mg
/Maximum legal caffeine pill in Talk:United States
/0.3 g
/average hallucinogenic dose for Talk:mescaline
/rowspan=2/10-3 kg
/rowspan=2/1 Talk:gram (g)
/1 g
/1 Talk:millilitre of Talk:water at 4Talk:Celsius/°C
/~2.3 g, ~7 g
/Talk:United States dime: ~2.3 g, quarter: ~7 g, other common coins intermediate
/rowspan=4/10-2 kg
/rowspan=4/10 g
/10 g
/bgcolor="#F0F0F0"/approximate lethal dose of Talk:caffeine for an adult
/17 g
/bgcolor="#F0F0F0"/approximate mass of a Talk:mouse
/24 g
/bgcolor="#F0F0F0"/amount of Talk:ethanol in one drink
/28.35 g
/bgcolor="#F0F0F0"/1 Talk:ounce (Talk:avoirdupois) &asymp
/rowspan=2/10-1 kg
/rowspan=2/100 g
/150 g
/bgcolor="#F0F0F0"/average mass of an adult human Talk:kidney
/≈ 454 g
/bgcolor="#F0F0F0"/1 Talk:pound (Talk:avoirdupois)
/rowspan=6/1 kg
/rowspan=6/1 kg
/1 kg
/bgcolor="#E0E0E0"/1 Talk:litre of Talk:water at 4Talk:Celsius/°C
/2–6 kg, 3 typical
/bgcolor="#E0E0E0"/a newborn Talk:baby
/4.0 kg
/bgcolor="#E0E0E0"/women's Talk:shotput
/5–7 kg
/bgcolor="#E0E0E0"/a typical Talk:cat/housecat
/5–9 kg
/bgcolor="#E0E0E0"/a Talk:pizote
/7.3 kg
/bgcolor="#E0E0E0"/men's Talk:shotput
/rowspan=3/101 kg
/rowspan=3/10 kg
/10–30 kg
/bgcolor="#E0E0E0"/a Talk:cathode ray tube/CRT computer Talk:computer display/monitor
/15–20 kg
/bgcolor="#E0E0E0"/a medium-sized dog
/70 kg
/bgcolor="#E0E0E0"/an Talk:adult Talk:human
/rowspan=4/102 kg
/rowspan=4/100 kg
/100 kg
/bgcolor="#F0F0F0"/Talk:quintal (mainly U.S. - other countries have different definitions)
/250 kg
/bgcolor="#F0F0F0"/approximate mass of a Talk:lion
/700 kg
/bgcolor="#F0F0F0"/approximate mass of a dairy Talk:cow
/910 kg
/bgcolor="#F0F0F0"/1 short Talk:ton (U.S.)
/rowspan=4/103 kg
/rowspan=4/1 Talk:tonne (t)(1 Talk:megagram (Mg))
/1000 kg
/1 Talk:cubic metre of liquid Talk:water at 4Talk:Celsius/°C
/1,016.047 kg
/1 Talk:ton (British) / 1 long Talk:ton (U.S.)
/0.8–1.6 t
/typical passenger Talk:automobiles
/3–7 t
/adult Talk:elephant
/rowspan=4/104 kg
/rowspan=4/10 t
/11 t
/Talk:Hubble Space Telescope
/12 t
/largest Talk:elephant on record
/14 t
/bell of Talk:Big Ben
/''the large dinosaurs go here somewhere''
/rowspan=3/105 kg
/rowspan=3/100 t
/100 t on average
/mass of largest animal, the Talk:blue whale
/187 t
/Talk:International Space Station
/600 t
/Talk:Antonov An-225 (the world's heaviest aircraft) maximum take-off mass
/rowspan=2/106 kg
/rowspan=2/1000 t(1 Talk:gigagram (Gg))
/1.5 × 106 kg
/mass of each gate of the Talk:Thames Barrier
/2.041 × 106 kg
/launch mass of the Talk:Space Shuttle
/rowspan=3/107 kg
/1.1 × 107 kg
/estimated annual production of Talk:Darjeeling Talk:tea
/2.6 × 107 kg = 26 000 t = 26 kt
/9.97 × 107 kg
/heaviest train: Australia's BHP Iron Ore, 2001 record
/108 kg
/6.5 × 108 kg
/mass of largest ship, Talk:Knock Nevis, when fully loaded
/109 kg
/1 Talk:teragram (Tg) = 1 Mt
/about 6 × 109 kg = 6 Mt
/mass of Talk:Great Pyramid of Giza
/1010 kg
/6 × 1010 kg = 60 Mt
/mass of Talk:concrete in the Talk:Three Gorges Dam, the world's largest concrete structure
/rowspan=3/1011 kg
/at least 2 × 1011 kg = 200 Mt
/Total mass of the world's humans
/2 × 1011 kg = 300 Mt
/Mass of water stored in Talk:London storage reservoirs
/1–8 × 1011 kg
/Estimated total mass of Antarctic Talk:krill, ''Euphausia superba'', thought to be the most plentiful creature on the planet
/1012 kg
/1 Talk:petagram (Pg) = 1 Gt
/3.91 × 1012 kg = 3.91 Gt
/World Talk:oil production in Talk:2001
/1013 kg
/1014 kg
/2–3 × 1014 kg
/Estimated mass of rock exploded in eruption of Talk:Mount Tambora Talk:volcano in Talk:1815
/1015 kg
/1 Talk:exagram (Eg) = 1 Tt
/1016 kg
/1017 kg
/1.23 × 1017 kg = 123 Tt
/Mass of a typical Talk:asteroid
/1018 kg
/1 Talk:zettagram (Zg) = 1 Pt
/5 × 1018 kg = 5 Pt
/Mass of Talk:Earth's atmosphere
/1019 kg
/1020 kg
/8.7 × 1020 kg = 870 Pt
/Mass of Talk:1 Ceres
/rowspan=3/1021 kg
/rowspan=3/1 Talk:yottagram (Yg) = 1 Et
/1.35×1021 kg
/Total mass of Talk:Earth's Talk:oceans
/1.6×1021 kg = 1.6 Et
/Mass of Talk:Charon (moon)/Charon
/2.3×1021 kg
/Total mass of the Talk:Asteroid Belt
/rowspan=2/1022 kg
/1.2 × 1022 kg
/Mass of Talk:Pluto (planet)/Pluto
/7.349 × 1022 kg = 73.49 Et
/Mass of Talk:Moon
/rowspan=5/1023 kg
/1.2×1023 kg
/Mass of Talk:Titan (moon)/Titan
/1.5×1023 kg
/Mass of Talk:Triton (moon)/Triton
/1.5×1023 kg
/Mass of Talk:Ganymede (moon)/Ganymede
/3.2×1023 kg
/Mass of Talk:Mercury (planet)/Mercury
/6.4×1023 kg
/Mass of Talk:Mars (planet)/Mars
/rowspan=2/1024 kg
/rowspan=2/1 Zt
/4.9 × 1024 kg
/Mass of Talk:Venus_(planet)/Venus
/6.0×1024 kg = 6.0 Zt
/Mass of Talk:Earth
/1025 kg
/8.7 × 1025 kg
/Mass of Talk:Uranus_(planet)/Uranus
/rowspan=2/1026 kg
/1.0 × 1026 kg
/Mass of Talk:Neptune_(planet)/Neptune
/5.7 × 1026 kg
/Mass of Talk:Saturn_(planet)/Saturn
/1027 kg
/1 Yt
/1.9 × 1027 kg
/Mass of Talk:Jupiter_(planet)/Jupiter
/1028 kg
/1029 kg
/rowspan=2/1030 kg
/2 × 1030 kg
/Mass of the Talk:Sun = 2000 Yt
/approx. 3 × 1030 kg
/Talk:Chandrasekhar limit
/1031 kg
/4 × 1031 kg
/Mass of Talk:Betelgeuse
/1032 kg
/1033 kg
/1034 kg
/1035 kg
/1036 kg
/1037 kg
/1038 kg
/Typical mass of a Talk:globular cluster
/1039 kg
/1040 kg
/1041 kg
/3.6 × 1041 kg
/Visible mass of the Talk:Milky Way galaxy
/1042 kg
/2 × 1042 kg
/Total mass of the Talk:Milky Way galaxy
/rowspan=2/1052 kg
/2×1052 kg
/Mass of a Talk:critical density Talk:Universe
/3 × 1052 kg
/Mass of the Talk:observable universe

See also

* Talk:SI
* Talk:SI prefix
* Talk:SI base unit
* Talk:Physical unit
* Talk:Mass
* Talk:Orders of magnitude
* Talk:Conversion of units

* Talk:orders of magnitude (length)
* Talk:orders of magnitude (area)
* Talk:orders of magnitude (volume)
* Talk:orders of magnitude (time)
* Talk:List of energies in joules

* Talk:Planck units
* Talk:size comparisons

External links


Talk:ca:Ordres de magnitud (massa)
Talk:de:Größenordnung (Masse)
Talk:ja:1 E8 kg

A '''number''' is an abstract entity used to describe Talk:quantity. There are different types of numbers. The most familiar numbers are the Talk:whole numbers

See also
*Talk:interplanetary travel
*Talk:interstellar travel
*Talk:specific impulse
*Talk:Tsiolkovsky rocket equation

External links
* http://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/K-12/airplane/bgp.html
* http://www.islandone.org/APC/ at islandone.org
* http://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/bpp/
* http://www.braeunig.us/space/propuls.htm